Status | Description |
complete.eligible | The verification was successfully completed; Patient is confirmed active coverage and covered for the provided taxonomy code. |
complete.ineligible | The verification was successfully completed; Patient is either inactive and/or not covered for the provided taxonomy code. | | The member ID was not recognized by the payer, or a different payer ID should be used. |
error.member.dob | The patient’s date of birth was not recognized by the payer, or a different payer ID should be used. | | The patient’s name was not recognized by the payer, or a different payer ID should be used. This is often due to incorrect spelling or nicknames. |
error.payer | The payer has been unavailable for over 24 hours and the Sohar Operations team have been unable to resolve the verification via payer portal or phone call. |
error.payer.npi | The provided NPI is not recognized by the payer. Some payers require an NPI on file in order to provide benefits. Some payers require a rendering NPI in order to provide benefits, for example Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. |
pending | The verification could not be resolved immediately, typically because the payer API was unavailable. A verification with this status will be followed by one of the statuses listed above. |