complete.eligibleThe verification was successfully completed; Patient is confirmed active coverage and covered for the provided taxonomy code.
complete.ineligibleThe verification was successfully completed; Patient is either inactive and/or not covered for the provided taxonomy code.
error.member.idThe member ID was not recognized by the payer, or a different payer ID should be used.
error.member.dobThe patient’s date of birth was not recognized by the payer, or a different payer ID should be used.
error.member.nameThe patient’s name was not recognized by the payer, or a different payer ID should be used. This is often due to incorrect spelling or nicknames.
error.payerThe payer has been unavailable for over 24 hours and the Sohar Operations team have been unable to resolve the verification via payer portal or phone call.
error.payer.npiThe provided NPI is not recognized by the payer. Some payers require an NPI on file in order to provide benefits. Some payers require a rendering NPI in order to provide benefits, for example Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas.
pendingThe verification could not be resolved immediately, typically because the payer API was unavailable. A verification with this status will be followed by one of the statuses listed above.